Thursday, October 22, 2009

"I'm not a racist."

"I'm not a racist."

The thing about this I AM the product of interracial marriage.

"I'm not a racist. I just don't believe in mixing the races that way."
That’s how Louisiana Justice of the Peace Keith Bardwell explains his stunning refusal to issue a marriage license to an interracial couple.

It’s almost unbelievable that in 2009, a government official is—openly and unapologetically—telling people who they can and cannot marry.

What isn’t unbelievable is that when blatant bigotry and violations of the law like this occur the ACLU is often the first place people turn. And we’re taking action in this case in order to ensure that what happened to Beth Humphrey and Terence McKay won’t happen again. We’re demanding an investigation and urging that Keith Bardwell receive the most severe sanction possible.

Thanks to supporters like you, the ACLU is On the Case. Every month, work like this is sustained by the ACLU’s nearly 40,000 Guardians of Liberty—people who donate $15, $18, or $20 a month to move freedom forward.

You can join them and help the ACLU fight outrageous bigotry and extremism by signing up as a Guardian of Liberty monthly donor today.

As an ACLU supporter, you know that we fight long-term battles that advance core Constitutional principles and protect the rights and liberties of all Americans.

But there’s another side of our mission—serving as the first line of defense against extremists who seek to impose their will and suppress the rights of ordinary people.

From abstinence-only education to prayer and Bibles in our public school classrooms, there is a resurgence of extremism in America today. And our ACLU affiliate offices across the country are on the alert, ready to take the call and stand up to government officials who use their power to try and impose their narrow-minded morality on the rest of us.

But it takes the support of friends like you to make sure that when rights are trampled and extremists try to use the government’s power to tell us how to live, who to love, or what to believe, the ACLU is On the Case.

Help make sure the ACLU is On the Case by signing up as a Guardian of Liberty monthly donor today.

Forty years ago, the ACLU won a critical Supreme Court victory in Loving v. Virginia, striking down laws that restricted interracial marriage. It’s amazing that, four decades later, we still have government officials trying to impose their narrow-minded morality on the rest of us.

With your support, the ACLU will be there to resist this kind of extremism wherever and whenever it happens. Please become a Guardian of Liberty to make sure that the ACLU is On the Case.

Thank you for your support.

Anthony D. Romero
Executive Director
American Civil Liberties Union

© ACLU, 125 Broad Street, 18th Floor, New York, NY 10004

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