Monday, February 28, 2011

The Way of The Warrior

The Way of The Warrior
The way of the warrior is life, not death.

The way of the warrior is defense of life, not needless destruction of life.

The way of the warrior is to fight to preserve peace in this world, not create more war.

The way of the warrior is love. Love of their homeland. Love of their people. Love of family. Love of their Creator/ God.

The way of the warrior is not the absence of fear. No they go on in spite of any personal fears.

The way of the warrior hates violence, but will defend homeland, their people, family and Creator/ God.

The way of the warrior is not selfish but is self less.

The way of the warrior is not arrogant but is humble.

The way of the warrior is spiritual. For only The Creator/ God gives them the strength to go on when all odds are against them.

The way of the warrior is not perfect. But they strive for perfection.

The way of the warrior is not concerned with the physical beauty, but inner beauty.

The way of the warrior is not concerned about wealth and power, but with inner strength that leads to a powerful life filled with spiritual strength and courage. They are not greedy.

The warrior is a servant of their people, land and family, but can lead when necessary.

The warrior is not concerned with laurels or medals or how many great things are said about them.

The warrior is concerned with doing the right thing even when it seems everyone is against them.
It is better to be the right thing than be popular.

A warrior does not lie.

The warrior can be male or female or of any race or color.

A warrior spirit can be in and adult or a child. But one must learn how to live like a warrior.

A warrior has no limits to their abilities. But they know themselves and know where they are in their growth and how much they are able to do at that stage of their growth. But if the situation calls upon them to go beyond their abilities, they will go beyond their abilities.

No excess. No waste. No destroying spirit.No greed. Reverence for life in all forms. Respect. Honor. Obedience to those who are found worthy to lead.

A warrior is not provoked to needless or senseless violence. They control their anger, fear and all other emotions and appear meek to others until they are really needed.

I will live as a warrior

I will die as a warrior

I will go to The Creator/ God and serve through eternity as a warrior.
"When crazy people call you crazy,
you know you're sane.
When evil people call you evil,
you know that you are a good person.
When lairs call you a liar,
you know that you are truthful.
Know who you are and don't let
others tell you who you are."
- Dave Kitchen

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